"A movie is not a movie if it's not shown on a gigantic screen with state-of-the-art surrounding sound effects, " says a movie addict, "it would be like watching a soap opera on a b/w TV in a small living room."



Tuesday, March 31, 2009

why do people leave ?

People come into your life for a reason. Do they leave for a reason, too?

I experienced my first episode of someone's departure when I was in kindergarten. I think I was too young to feel anything that I am feeling now.

I always thought people that I know and care about would always stay in my life forever, or maybe until the day I no long live. Some of the aging symptoms have been creeping onto my parents lately. DJ has decided that he wanted to move away from Taiwan next year.

The familiarity that I once had is changing. I am scared. It's not that I am scared of changing. I am perfectly alright now that I moved to my new place in the east district, and I am used to the new daily/weekly routines. It's different from before. But no matter what, all the people I care about are still reachable in a short time.

I just feel sad. Why do people, even the ones that care about you, leave your life?


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire / 貧民百萬大富翁

I saw Slumdog Millionaire, the Best Picture winner of the Oscars this year, last night. The movie itself was good, depicting the lives of people growing up in the slums in India.

The main character, Jamal, answered correctly all the questions on TV show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" based on his personal experiences in the past. His love for Latika is also worth mentioning even though this movie is not about love at all, I think. It's more about life, rich and poverty. (I don't know why the poster makes the movie seem like a love movie...)

I also like what Latika symbolizes in the movie, and the symbolization is the most highlighted in the final question Jamal had to answer to win the biggest prize.


Monday, March 16, 2009

小時候的歌 / songs from my childhood


楊林 - 情人:

藍心湄 - 一見鍾情:

草蜢隊 - 暗戀的代價:

郭富城 - 對你愛不完

伊能靜 - 悲傷茱麗葉

還有更多 ...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I have been working at my current job for one year. I really enjoy working here. I am glad that I made the right decision to change jobs a year ago. The parent company of my previous company has really serious financial problems right now. Even the U.S. government can't just sit and let such gigantic company crash.

Anyway, I get to learn different translation techniques, and knowledge about laws. I also get to know some nice people here. The colleagues here treat each other very nicely and the company treats all the employees equally and generously. I am so happy to be able to work here.


Monday, March 9, 2009

加州見聞錄03 (Clapping Lady on Treadmill)





Friday, March 6, 2009

Ricky Martin

Well, where do I start? I started to notice Ricky Martin when I was in high school. His album "Vuelve" was released in Taiwan around that time and La Copa de la Vida was chosen as the theme song of World Cup in the same year.

Then I started to look for his older songs, and there were actually some good songs. I continued to purchase his albums released subsequently and really enjoyed them a lot, but the later ones are not as good as earlier ones, I think.

He is also why I started to learn Spanish because I wanted to understand his Spanish lyrics. I bought some self-taught Spanish program, and later on took 2 years of Spanish courses in university. However, I never managed to actually speak good Spanish, except for getting high marks in classes, and also due to the fact that I spent more time studying French in university because of another hot reason.

Anyway, I just suddenly feel like listening to Ricky Martin again this week. Those old songs still rock and the singer... I don't know...I haven't seen any of his new photos for a long time.

Check out this good song from Ricky Martin. The music video is presented in a special way.
Click here: Private Emotion


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Confessions of a Shopaholic / 購物狂的異想世界


進了戲院看電影後,覺得這部電影還滿好看的,有許多幽默好笑的地方,也有許多發人深省之處(???!!!),想想自己到底是不是有時候也會有那種瘋狂買東西的心理(我好像有過),不過還好,我還沒有像女主角那麼嚴重,不過女主角是因為購物狂才認識了她的完美伴侶,不知道我可不可以因為亂買東西,把信用卡刷爆,而有同樣的結果 .. :P (想太多... 倒不如買東西送給花癡的對像,還比較有可能....)



Sunday, March 1, 2009

Anansi Boys / 阿南西之子

尼爾蓋曼(Neil Gaiman)繼美國眾神(American Gods)後,最新出版的中文翻譯長篇小說「阿南西之子」,我今天在書局看到了,實在太令人驚訝了。




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