"A movie is not a movie if it's not shown on a gigantic screen with state-of-the-art surrounding sound effects, " says a movie addict, "it would be like watching a soap opera on a b/w TV in a small living room."
Monday, September 29, 2008
It was rainning on that day becase a typhoon was coming (and this typhoon gave us two days off, though one of them fell on a Sunday), but there were still a lot of people joinin the parade. I saw somebody I met before in the parade, too. One of them was carrying balloons of 6 colors so I borrowed the balloons from him and asked him to take a picture of me with those balloons.
I only walked with the parade for a short distance, and then I went back to the gym to exercise. The parade continued on to Taipei City Hall where they put on shows after the parade.
It seemed that whenever there was a pride parade in Taipei, there would usually be some bigger news that shadowed the parade. Anyway, it was fun to join the parade.
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Bubble

The movie "The Bubble" had good review when it was screened during the Taipei Film Festival so I decided to see this movie when it was out in theater. The box office was not good, though, due to a rave about Cape No. 7 in the past few weeks. Several foreign films that would have received a greater audience, have been forced out of the theater much sooner than expected. Good job Cape No. 7. There aren't really any good foreign movies that I really want to see in theater now anyway except The Bubble (this is me being selfish).
This Hebrew-speaking (sometimes Arabic-speaking) film is directed by Eytan Fox, who also directed Walk on Water and Yossi and Jagger. It is a melange of comedy and tensions. It highlights the never-ending conflicts between the Jewish people and Arabic people in Israel, as well as a love people from these two sides can have for each other, even between two men.
Reality hurts, I have to say this after seeing the movie. Sometimes there is something we can never change in ourselves. It is predestined in our lives. We may be able to change it and run away from it, but when we are faced with the cruelty of the reality, we may give in to it, and follow the path the destiny has paved for us. Then the bubble bursts.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Happiness of Waiting
I like waking up early in the morning, and then sit on the bed, looking at him and waiting for him to wake up. I like to open my eyes in the morning to see him, already awake, giving me a big smile as bidding a good morning to me.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Checking out hot guys can't seem to cheer me up either, not even the hot BC instructor that happened to be there as a substitute instructor for the night class.
I am tired of checking out hot guys. There is no point of doing that. Being checked out by any of the guys I find hot may probably make me skip a heartbeat, but so what? None of this can make me feel happy, secure, and calm.
My emotions get stirred up even more when I see the boyfriend of any of the hot guys shows up. The laughters they share, the tears they dry for the other, the feeling of belonging deep rooted in their heart, the trust and the pride in each other and so on are something I long for.
The boyfriend of the hot instructor was standing outside of the classroom, surely smiling at and feeling proud of the man doing the moves on the platform in the front of a crowded classroom.
It was late so I went back to my place. I lay down on the bed, trying really hard to fall asleep.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Body Combat Instructor
Since the classroom was still packed with regular attendees of the original gym members, the air inside the room was very bad and the temperature was very high. I also didn't feel energized or high enough in a class NOT taught by a hot instructor.
After arriving at Taipei at around 13:45 on Sunday, I decided to try the body combat class in another branch of the gym that would start at 14:30. I was definitely in a rush to get things ready. I had to run home to put things away and bring gym clothes with me and stuff.
I made it to the classroom like about 5 minutes before the class started. The classroom was already filled with people, but still not as many as the other classroom. There are also like 3 or 4 giant pillars right in front of the platform so when the class started, it was quite difficult to look at the instructor, to learn what he was teaching and explaining.
Anyhow, the class was good because the songs and moves taught in this class were totally different from the ones I had learnt before. I was kind of nervous when I had to learn all the new moves that were old to other people. Anyway, since the instructor was hot, though blocked by the giant pillars once in a while, I still had fun learning the new and exciting moves. I made mistakes fairly often though.
It was my first time to attend body combat classes two days in a row. I felt very tired afterwards, but I felt really really relieved and relaxed after the class because I could punch and kick really hard in class.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The chat the night beforehand was nice, and I would be wondering if I should meet that man.
Or maybe I didn't even chat with anybody the night beforehand. All was in my dream.
I would still need to get through my third and fourth years in university.
I would still need to prepare for the exam for graduate schools. Or maybe I would go study abroad.
I would still remain single for these years.
Or I would meet that man, and still be single now. I hate being single!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Happy Ending
"You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be
You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending"
Too bad this music video cannot be embedded here. So just visit YouTube at the following link to watch the video then!
My Happy Ending Music Video
Monday, September 15, 2008
My New Plaything
The head massager is really good in that it squeezes your head tightly with air pressure and then releases. It loosens up the muscles on your head and the back of your upper neck. I really like it.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Moon Festival Day
I went to the food court at the Xinyi Eslite Bookstore to have lunch. This is a picture of my half-eaten Eelfish on Rice. It's kind of small and not so nutritious, but I don't really care. I had to eat by myself again. That's what I don't like...
Although I had seen the movie and knew the story, I still felt sad from the first few pages. It made me feel like crying, especially the part where they were fighting who should go turn off the bedroom light before bed, and somebody's feet were too cold. I even feel sad as I am writing about this.
I bought the book even though I hadn't finished The History of Love, just so that I can read it later on. Maybe there's more about the story than what the movie can present. Well... I was also thinking about buying the DVD, too, but I didn't. Maybe I will some day.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Will & Grace

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ultimate Analysis of Sagittarius (射手座終極分析)
作者: LEWIE (貴族進化體-雷喬威陛下) 看板: tuei
Priceless Cure
For the past few years, when I was asked what I wanted for my birthday, I always gave the same answer. That was something that money can never buy. The man that asked that question was never satisfied with my answer so I had to name something that can be bought just for the sake of pleasing him for my birthday.
But REALLY, as long as I can get such same gift every year for my birthday, I can be 101% satisfied, or even 202%.
What do I want for my birthday this year?
Maybe a friendly chat with my boyfriend-to-be? a hike in the rain with scary cows? a boat ride under starry sky? a hand-in-hand walk in the mountains when it's dark?
A lifetime commitment + early bedtime? This sounds wonderful...
Bad sleep for several months gives a person bad facial skin with acnes. Does it also kill a person?
If we want to cure the acnes, we should not just put some ointment on the face. To cure the source of everything is more important than to cure the symptoms. What makes a person have bad acnes? What makes a person have bad sleep? What makes a person have a bad mood?
If the real cause is not corrected or removed, no matter how many drugs or ointment you take or apply, the symptoms will come back again and again.
I don't know...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Cape No. 7 (海角七號)

"Stay, or I'll go with you."
Well... all the stories and fights and love and tears and laughters all built up to this line.

The movie has a good story and the jokes are funny. I haven't seen a Taiwanese film that I like so much since Formula 17.
As a translator, I feel like sort of discussing a little bit about the languages used in the movie and the subtitles. Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese, and Japanese are spoken in the movie. Taiwanese audience can easily recognize the shift of languages, and (most of them) also understand both the Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese languages. If I were a speaker of none of the above, I would not be able to tell that three languages are used in the movie. When I read the English subtitles, it is only in one language so it cannot reflect the shift of the spoken languages and the jokes based on languages. The subtitles are also condensed due to screen size restriction and a consideration for audience reading speed. However, I think that the English subtitles are still quite good. It still gets some of the essence of the jokes. Some jokes require some knowledge of the Taiwanese language, culture, and deities in order for the audience to understand. Well, as long as the story is good, I think this languages and subtitles issue can be ignored.
The movie just won an award in Tokyo so I guess the Japanese people like the movie. I hope people in other countries will like it, too. It may bring more tourists from other countries to Kenting. To echo with the movie, though I don't particularly agree with it, let's shout, "Fuck you, Taipei!"
If you are in Taiwan, go see it now. If you are not, maybe it will be screened in your country later.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
J: I took Gotham's white knight, and brought him down to our level. It wasn't hard. Y'see, madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little...push
I just started to wonder, "Is personality contagious? Are negative characteristics/habits contagious, too?"
I don't know, but I truly hope that I only get the good characteristics/habits from others, and shun the bad ones away. I also hope that I am capable enough to spread my good ones to others, and keep the bad ones to myself, or, even better, get rid of them.
For now, the best way for me is to stay away from those with personalities/habits that I want to stay away with.
Two-Face: You thought we could be decent men in an indecent time. But you were wrong.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Body Combat + Matchbox 20
I did a little search and found out that this song is sung by Matchbox 20. It's called "How Far We've Come," released in the album "Exile on Mainstream" in 2007. I didn't even know Matchbox 20 had this album. I am so ashamed of myself. I listened to lots of their previous albums, but I didn't even know they had a new album with new songs + greatest hits? Anyway... Rob Thomas still looks hot, but I think he looks hotter in Smooth.
How Far We've Come
I'm waking up at the start of the end of the world,
but its feeling just like every other morning before,
now i wonder what my life is going to mean if it's gone,
the cars are moving like a half a mile an hour and I
started staring at the passengers who're waving goodbye
can you tell me what was ever really special about me all this time
If I couldn't sleep could you sleep
Could you paint me better off
Could you sympathize with my needs
I know you think I need a lot
I started out clean but I'm jaded
Just phoning it in
Just breaking the skin
Can you help me I'm bent
I'm so scared that I'll never
Get put back together
I like Lonely No More, but I think it's released under Rob Thomas, not Matchbox 20. Anyway, the music video is very cool, too. Check it out.
I don't wanna be lonely no more,
I don't wanna have to pay for this,
I don't wanna know the lover at my door,
Is just another heartache on my lips
Sunday, September 7, 2008
What are the special things that you only do with/to this person that you love, and that you will never do with/to others?
There must some parts of you that you only reveal to your lover, physically and mentally, that no one else, even the best of the best friends, would be able to get close to.
Once you grant such privilege to a person, it's difficult to recall such privilege. It's not like there is something wrong with the product that the manufacturer has to recall everything from the retailers. No, there is nothing wrong with such love/privilege. It's just the person that grants it may be mind-changing.
When the manufacturer recalls something that a customer buys (or even has opened and used), the manufacturer will have to offer compensations of equal value, or the customer can sue the manufacturer, which may be covered by an insurance plan.
Can love be insured, too?
The exclusivity of the privilege should be maintained.
Friday, September 5, 2008
The Winner Takes It All

Well, I have to say something about the musical of the year, "Mamma Mia!" The music is good, the story is entertaining, and the actors (some) are hot.
I know the stage musical has been out for years, but I still have to say that the producer and playwright of this musical were really good at threading Abba's songs into a show. You will feel that those songs are originally made for this musical.
I never thought Meryl Streep to be such a good singer. Can you imagine a fashion magazine editor-in-chief (ref. Devil Wears Prada) sings and dances around a little island? Pierce Brosnan looked so tensed and unnatural when he sang though. Colin Firth didn't have too much singing part but he was not a bad singer. Oh, I wish I could still be so charming at Firth's age, but fitter than he. And I just found out that the woman playing Rosie also plays Molly Weasley in Harry Potter. And the beautiful woman playing the role of the daughter is actually the stupid girl in Mean Girls. The man playing the role of Sky (a hot man indeed) is already 30 years old. Wow!
Besides that happy, cheerful songs in the musical, the song I like the most is "The Winner Takes it All," sung by the leading role Donna (She's the leading role, right? cuz she has more singing part).
This song is fairly heart-wrenching and echoes my thoughts. Well, not entirely, but close.
With this song accompanied by Meryl Streep's sorrowful voices and her award-winning acting skills, I sheded tears in the theater. ( and I was so glad that nobody got angry at me for crying in theater. Crying should be allowed just as much as laughing in theater.)
I was in your arms
Thinking I belonged there
I figured it made sense
Building me a fence
Building me a home
Thinking I'd be strong there
But I was a fool
Playing by the rules
The gods may throw a dice
Their minds as cold as ice
And someone way down here
Loses someone dear
Here is a short clip of Lay All Your Love on Me, sung by the daughter and a hot Sky.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
For example, if you are a man that, say, has one night stands, you will probably want someone that does not have one night stands. If you go to bars very often, you will want someone that does not go to bars. You know what kind of fun can be had if your potential lover also does the same thing so you feel insecure if the potential lover share the same sort of habits(in terms of relationship) with you.
Then you only allow yourself to have that sort of fun, telling yourself you know what yourself is doing and will definitely not cross the line, while at the same time suspecting the potential lover's intentions of doing exactly the same thing as you.
Well, it's much more fair to demand a lover with standars that you impose on yourself. Or even better, be less demanding towards your lover than on yourself. However, it's difficult to be less demanding towards others than yourself. It's already good enough if you can use the same standards for both of you.
What if you are a man that does NOT sleep around, and only wants a lifetime partner? What should you expect of a potential lover? Will treating him with the same standards be demanding? Not at all.
The Dark Knight

How can I not say something about the first movie I saw 3 times in theater, and two of them were in the IMAX theater?
It's really worthwhile to see this movie in an IMAX theater because parts of the movie were filmed with IMAX technology. When you see the movie shot with IMAX techonology in an IMAX theater, your vision will be filled with the image. It's like you are right inside the scene. You can't see the black margins you normally see in an ordinary theater. The parts of the movie shot outdoors were especially more magnificent-looking with IMAX technology, be it a jump from the top of the skyscraper, or a car chase scene. Superb!
The movie itself is full of significances too. Well, this part should be kept for myself, not to be shared, in case it turns out to be a spoiler.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Vacation ...
~ Rachel Dawes (The Dark Knight).
I had nice vacations in summer for a few years in a row, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007
I went to Canada in both 2004 and 2005.
I went to several beach resorts in 2006 and 2007.
I was alone for the two-month vacation in Montreal in 2005, but I didn't feel lonely at all.
Yet I stay in Taipei this year. I didn't go anywhere. It's September already. I feel lonely.
I only want to go to Kenting for a weekend, or a weekend + 1 or 2 more days.
Isn't this trip much much shorter/cheaper than a trip in, say, some Southeastern Asian country?
I dare not dream about going to Palau this year because I am UNFORTUNATELY single.
A trip in a romantic holiday destination shall be had with a romantic, DEVOted, faithful partner.
Well... where is my DEVOted and faithful lover?
"Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded."
~James Gordon (The Dark Knight).
Monday, September 1, 2008
YAHOO's Campaign "In Search of an Ex"
In whose arms is he lying now?
On whose bed is he sleeping now?
Are you looking for him?
Or is he looking for you?
Do you ever wander around the city, only to find yourself standing in front of his place? Or the place both of you used to belong to?
Do you expect to see that familiar figure standing at the familiar street corner?
Do you know how many turns you have to make, how many stairs you have to climb, and how many keys you have to use to enter that place of lost love?
Every image is like a frame of a movie, being played over and over and over again.
Maybe Yahoo is trying to inspire people, that an ex, if found, can be your new lover...
Thoughts and Nightmare
Why have I been waiting for a fallen white knight that enjoys one night stands better?
Why have I been dreaming about getting even, but coming up with no feasible way to do it?
Why do I believe the space between two people defines their relations and interactions?
I keep a distance from those who only want to get close to me, physically.
I want to approach the man who is trying to distance me, mentally and physically.
I had a dream right before dawn, in which you were lining up with me for a performance of some sort. Then out of the blue we started to argue, about us being together, about me, about you, and about the man(or men) that fucked you after the breakup. You got angry at me when I asked if you went to Scotland alone.
I forget the arguments, but I remember the pain, and the hatred within me towards the part of you that allowed other men to do such a thing to you.
And I asked you what you call the kind of people that sleep around? And you got even angrier.
And I woke up from this nightmare, feeling sad again.
Why did I waste my dream space for an unfaithful man anyway?