"A movie is not a movie if it's not shown on a gigantic screen with state-of-the-art surrounding sound effects, " says a movie addict, "it would be like watching a soap opera on a b/w TV in a small living room."



Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Contradictory Yes/No

The weatherman tells you it will be sunny tomorrow, but it turns out to be a rainy day, or, even worse, a thunderstorm. The rail company tells you the train will arrive at 9:00, but it usually arrives much later. The doctor tells you the scar will fade in a few weeks, but it seems to get more and more swollen and red.

Water is shapeless and unpredictable.
You see, when the Greek god pours water out of his bucket, the water just splashes everywhere, running through every crack and hole on the ground, changing its shape and size till the gravity can no longer pull it further down.

The only way to tame water is to freeze it, not to heat it, for heating it will only make it even more agitated and wanting to be let loose into the sky. Freeze the water, please, while it is caught in the best container one can find. Make it stable. Make it predictable. Keep it cool.

When the temperature rises, or when the wild spirit frozen deep in the heart of that ice cube of whatever shape can no longer be guarded and secured, let the Greek archer know, please.

The archer will shoot his best arrow right into the cube, breaking it into thousands of pieces, but still keep every single piece of it. He will let them melt in his glass. He will then ask for Winter's help for the archer was born in Winter's arms, and re-freeze the water.

Hopefully, there will be a snowstorm soon, just as what the weatherman says.


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