"A movie is not a movie if it's not shown on a gigantic screen with state-of-the-art surrounding sound effects, " says a movie addict, "it would be like watching a soap opera on a b/w TV in a small living room."



Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday Meals

I had lunch at the food court in Pacific Sogo Department Store. I ate some sort of Korean-style rice mixed with vegetagles and meat. Well...it didn't taste as good as I had expected. The same type of food would actually taste better in Taoban House, Yuanshao, or even other food courts. You need to mix the vegetables and meat with the rice in a hot stone bowl, and the rice would get a little burnt. Then the flavor will come out nice and good. Yet the rice in this restaurantjust got too blackendly burnt, or not burnt at all, and the other ingredients were not properly mixed with the rice either.

For dinner, I ate at a place I went once in a while close to my place. It's Japanese oolong noodles with some vegetables and small foodstuff stewed in soup, named Guandongzhu. Dj loves this kind of food too. I had to eat alone today though. :( and I felt so full because I picked too much food from the big container. The two small plastic sauces at the bottom of the photo are sauces, one spicy and the other sweet and spicy.

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