"A movie is not a movie if it's not shown on a gigantic screen with state-of-the-art surrounding sound effects, " says a movie addict, "it would be like watching a soap opera on a b/w TV in a small living room."



Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday Shopping

What did I do on the first Sunday when DJ is not in Tawan?

I vaccumed the bedroom and did some laundry in the morning, and then I went to the gym.

After I finished my workout around 11:30, I had lunch at the Eslite Xinyi branch. This is what I had for lunch: A Parent-Child on Rice (translated literally from its Japanese name), made of chicken meat and egg on rice.

I vaccumed the living room and watched She's the Man on TV in the afternoon. My friends, Painting Pen and MChang, drove a car to meet me by the McDonald's close to my place. We decided to go the Costco since I wanted to buy something there and they had never been to Costco before and Panting Pen has a car.

I had Costco's usual meal there, a chicken thing and a clam chowder. The portion was fine with me, but both of my friends thought they were too much.
The whole time we were in Costco, I kept telling them the products were cheaper in Costco then other stores. Painting Pen, however, kept saying that it was cheaper to shop at RT Mart or other similar hyper markets. MChang kept saying that the size of the commodities in Costco looked gross and unhandy. Well... I didn't agree with them. Here is what I bought in Costco:

I bought a Tide with bleach because they didn't have the downy one... I was so angry. I bought a Dove shampoo and a Quaker Oatmeal because I thought I wan out of them already and I didn;t want DJ to come home only to find that we don't have shampoo and oatmeanl anymore. Well.. actually we still have some Quaker Oatmeanl left from last time:

I should bring them to work to eat them more often then. I also bought a Dockers t-shirt. Even though it's medium, the sleeves still go all the way to my elbow. I really don't know what's wrong with its scale.

After I came home from Costco, I went out to buy two new shirts from G2000, but one of the shirt didn't come in my size so I have to go back there to pick it up in three days.

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