"A movie is not a movie if it's not shown on a gigantic screen with state-of-the-art surrounding sound effects, " says a movie addict, "it would be like watching a soap opera on a b/w TV in a small living room."



Friday, July 11, 2008

Love Oneself

I read something on some stranger's bulletin board few days ago.
One man of a gay couple entered a friend's place on the 10th floor or something, only to find his boyfriend having sex with this friend. Under unbearable pressure and grief, he jumped out of the building. His parents had no idea why their son had committed suicide. His friends didn't know how to tell his parents. His cheating boyfriend...

Somebody commented, "if you can't even love yourself by treasuring your own life, you don't deserve to love another man."

I agree with this. I also think that when you love yourself enough, you will want yourself to deserve the best love from another man, too. You want to love this man and also want this man to devote his love to you. At this point, the love for yourself may decrease a little bit because some of the love is transfered to the other man, but the decreased portion will be offset by the love the other man offers you. The total amount of love between these two men is still the same, or maybe even more than before because they would do things for the other that they wouldn't have done before.

Once the balance of this love equation is compromised, disasters creep it.

Have I found the best for me? or the best has yet to come?
I would rather believe in the former. It's not as hypothetical as the latter.

1 comment:

Aris said...

You put it quite well, if one fails to love him/her rihgt, how would Mr./Ms. Right come along?

However, love might not be so much an equation in term of quantity that you would calculate for your gain against loss;

rather, love might be more likely as some sort of art-making,

you just try step by step to make some good, wonder or even magic moments out of something that you would have never imagined you could ever encounter while you remain single.

That is the blessing love grants to lovers as long as the commitment from each other still holds strong enough.

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