"A movie is not a movie if it's not shown on a gigantic screen with state-of-the-art surrounding sound effects, " says a movie addict, "it would be like watching a soap opera on a b/w TV in a small living room."



Sunday, July 6, 2008


The American Heritage Dictionary defines monogamy as : 1. The practice or condition of having a single sexual partner during a period of time. 2a. The practice or condition of being married to only one person at a time. b. The practice of marrying only once in a lifetime. 3. Zoology The condition of having only one mate during a breeding season or during the breeding life of a pair.

This definition is barely satisfactory. "a period of time?" how long is a period of time? one day? one week? one month? or one year?
To me, monogamy should mean the practice of having s single sexual partner and marriage during a lifetime... Am I too extreme?

If a person has a single sexual partner for one week, but a different one every week, does he qualify as a monogamy practitioner in any given week? If the period of time is extended to one to several months, I am sure almost everybody will agree that this person is monogamous. So a polygamous person can easily disguise himself as a monogamy practitioner by ending a "sexual relationship" at any interval as he pleases. What a good way to be monogamous without losing the excitement of being polygamous!

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