"A movie is not a movie if it's not shown on a gigantic screen with state-of-the-art surrounding sound effects, " says a movie addict, "it would be like watching a soap opera on a b/w TV in a small living room."



Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I want to write new stories, but I am trapped in old ones.
I want my new stories to surpass the old ones, but I am afraid they won't.
I haven't written any yet, as a result.
Old stories are wonderful, I know.

You want me to write new stories, but you still dwell in my old ones.
You want new stories to fill up your life because you are afraid of the old.
You are writing your new stories, as a result.
New stories are exciting, you know.

Stories are irreplaceable, we both know.
If the old stories had been bad, they would not have lasted over 2,000 days and nights ...
With the last page showing no clear, satisfying conclusion, Volume II awaits ...

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