"A movie is not a movie if it's not shown on a gigantic screen with state-of-the-art surrounding sound effects, " says a movie addict, "it would be like watching a soap opera on a b/w TV in a small living room."



Friday, January 2, 2009


It's the second day of 2009, and I am writing this blog entry, listening to Rihanna's Disturbia all the while wishing I were doing something else in the outdoor, with someone.

It has been cold for two days. I watched the fireworks at Taipei 101 by myself as the year turned into 2009. I didn't hug anyone or kiss anyone this time. I could have had gone to bed, but I still went to see the fireworks because I love watching fireworks. Many people went to see fireworks in couples or in groups. As soon as the fireworks ended, I turned my back on Taipei 101 and hurried out of the SYS Memorial Hall through hugging crowds, not wanting to be around them.

I went to the gym this morning to did some pedalling for 30 minutes, on the machine that would keep your upper body upright and still. I haven't worked out for almost 3 weeks. I miss working out and the sweat.

I missed some parties these past two weeks because I cannot exercise or drink alcohol. Well, I probably would still be too coward to go by myself if I had not had the keloid scar removal operation.

I envy those who are accompanied by their loved one at times when they need to be accompanied, weather happy or sad, or simply killing time.

Happy New Year.


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