"A movie is not a movie if it's not shown on a gigantic screen with state-of-the-art surrounding sound effects, " says a movie addict, "it would be like watching a soap opera on a b/w TV in a small living room."



Monday, August 18, 2008

Frustration + Dogs

I saw N, V, and L in the gym today. L waved his hand at me as he kept going upstairs so I waved back at him. He waved at me again when I was leaving too. V only sneaked up besides me and said that he would not disturb my working out. I don't like N so I didn't gesture or say anything to him and neither did he to me.

As I walked out of the gym, I saw R wandering around outside ahead of me. Well... I didn't know if I should go talk to him or not so I decided not to. Then I suddenly felt like going to Eslite to see if Js was there, and he was not there tonight. I went back to my place finally, without having a chat with anybody tonight except the accupuncture doctor when I went to get accupuncture for my lower back earlier this evening.

Dogs are nice animals, but I am afraid of them. I don't know if they will bite me or not.

Sometimes I will see a dog on the street trying to hump another dog that it meets for the first time. If this dog rejects, then the dog will probably go find another one. As long as it can hump a dog or get humped, it doesn't matter what the other dog is. Such a poor animal, without the ability of discrimination.

Without some tight control, there will be bastards everywhere on the streets.

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