"A movie is not a movie if it's not shown on a gigantic screen with state-of-the-art surrounding sound effects, " says a movie addict, "it would be like watching a soap opera on a b/w TV in a small living room."



Monday, September 15, 2008

My New Plaything

I saw a commercial about some sort of head massage device few days ago. I really liked it based on what I saw in the commercial so I was planning to try it out at the store.

Tonight since my original plan was cancelled, and I was bored so I decided to go to an Osim Focus in the East District. The sales lady was very nice. She insisted that I try all of their products, but I only tried some and I really enjoyed the experience of lying on an expensive massage chair, using calf/feet massage machine, massage belt and massage pillow. I felt so relaxed after this visit. Maybe I should go visit that nice lady more often.

The head massager is really good in that it squeezes your head tightly with air pressure and then releases. It loosens up the muscles on your head and the back of your upper neck. I really like it.

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